A burner phone number might sound like an item of last resort, something you use in an emergency when everything else is unavailable to you. While burner phones can be extremely useful whenever emergencies arise, they are also able to be used in non emergency situations as well. There are several reasons why a burner phone number could be important to you, and they are certainly worth thinking about.
If you are on the fence about snagging a burner phone or a burner phone number, then this article is going to hopefully change your mind and show you all the benefits a burner phone number can give to you!
It Helps With Your Privacy
In today’s connected world it is certainly easy to believe that our activity is being watched. Website trackers, internet cookies, cameras, all of this is building a profile that companies can use to sell to us and communicate to us. It can be a bit worrying knowing that all your data is out there, and your phone number is one of the most important bits of information companies can have.
So whenever you need to use a phone number to sign up for an account or join a membership, you can use your burner phone number because then all the spam calls, special offers you might not care about, or robot calls that come from people finding your numbers on those lists can be avoided.
Additionally, you can use your burner phone number online to further distance your real number from things like job interviews or on dating websites. For example, if you apply for several jobs and need to provide a phone number or conduct your information over the phone, then you want to be sure you have an out whenever you eventually get a job. You can continue to communicate with the job you want, while also letting communications from other offers go to the burner phone.
They Are Great For Travel
One of the problems with traveling a lot is that calling and texting back home can get very out of hand. Especially if you happen to be doing some traveling overseas as well, because the costs can get expensive and some phone plans don’t even have data over in certain countries. However, you can buy a cheap burner phone before your trip or even at the airport, and a SIM card for wherever you happen to be traveling too.
Then insert the SIM card into the phone and start texting and calling without any trouble or issue. Additionally, a burner phone is designed to be used and disposed of, so whenever you are traveling, you can take it with you. If it gets stolen, damaged, or dropped on your travel adventures, then you can simply get a new one and you haven’t lost a four figure smartphone with all of your life and your personal data on it.
They Are Great For Disconnecting
It is no surprise that our phones can be extremely addictive. Plus, in most cases, they are actually designed to be addictive to keep us on them as long as possible. We are constantly scrolling and tapping our way through dozens of apps, and it can really mess with our health if the use of our phone gets out of control.
If you’ve felt that your smartphone is controlling you and not the other way around, then a burner phone can allow you to forget about the world of social media and apps and the rest of the world. All these phones allow you to do is to talk and text, which can be a great way for you to keep in touch with others and for others to keep in touch with you. However, you can also shut the phone off for a while and just focus on what is around you as well, which more people need to do.
Burner Phones Can Be Great For Emergencies
Finally, a burner phone number can be perfect for an emergency. By an FCC mandate, all phones must be able to call 911, and a burner phone can not only do that, but it also has a very long battery life that can last for days or even months on a single charge. So if you need an emergency phone that can call 911 or can call someone else, a burner phone will be fantastic to have. Just don’t wait until you need it to get one.
There are several reasons why a burner phone would be very helpful to you, and the majority of good burner phones are pretty easily available and very cheap to get. So if you decide you want a good burner phone number, it isn’t that hard to get one for yourself.