On Saturday evening, Telegram founder and CEO Pavel Durov was arrested at Le Bourget airport by the Air Transport Gendarmerie. He was taken into custody and is expected to be remanded in custody this Sunday. What charges are he facing? At the same time, the TON token has fallen by more than 14%.
Telegram CEO Pavel Durov arrested in France
The announcement came on Saturday evening, Pavel Durov, CEO and founder of the social network Telegram, was arrested at Le Bourget airport by the Air Transport GendarmerieAnd for good reason, the 39-year-old Franco-Russian was listed in the wanted persons file, the subject of an investigation by the Minors' Office (OFMIN), a police service specializing in sexual violence against minors.
In the presence of his bodyguard and a woman during his arrest, the person concerned was placed in police custody and will certainly end up in pre-trial detention, according to an investigator.
As for the facts alleged, this is a matter of the use made of Telegram by criminal networks of all kindswithout anything really being done to stem the phenomenon, as indicated by a source close to the case:
On his platform, he allowed countless crimes and offenses to be committed, for which he did nothing to moderate or cooperate.
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Having met with an investigating judge on Saturday evening, the indictment should be signed off on Saturday evening. Due to the nature of the platform, Pavel Durov could then be cited for acts relating to terrorism, drug trafficking, fraud, money laundering, receiving stolen goods, or even pedocriminal content.
According to one investigator, Telegram had become the “number 1 platform for organized crime” in recent years.
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The TON ecosystem is taking a hit
Closely linked to Telegram, The Open Network (TON) ecosystem reacted immediately to the arrest of Pavel Durov.
First, the TON token crashed and lost more than 14.5% between the writing and the time of the arrest. Thus, This went from $6.82 to $5.8 :
TON course in 4H data
As for decentralized finance (DeFi) on the eponymous blockchain, it has not been spared either. The toll is even heavier, with a drop in total value locked (TVL) of more than 40%dropping from $508 million to $304 million, according to data from DefiLlama.
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Since an arrest warrant was issued against him in the country, Pavel Durov had avoided France and preferred countries in South America, the former USSR or the United Arab Emirates. On Saturday evening, he arrived on a flight from Azerbaijan.
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