Shortly before Trump takes the oath, more information about his first actions in office is emerging. American media reports that one of the announced decrees on migration concerns “Birthright Citizenship”. Accordingly In the future, children who are born in the United States but whose parents are immigrants without legal residence status will no longer automatically receive American citizenship.
Lawyers believe this is not permissible. Trump's decree reinterpreted the words of the 14th Amendment to the Constitution, which grants citizenship to all those born on American soil. It states: “All persons born in the United States (…) and therefore subject to its jurisdiction are citizens of the United States and of the state in which they reside.”
Trump apparently plans to declare a national emergency on the southern border with Mexico after his inaugurationas he did in 2019, to access billions of dollars to protect the border. At the time, he said he could build the wall “much faster.” A future Trump administration official told the Washington Post that they had a “duty” to the American people “to bring the untenable situation we inherited under control.”