Trump was “for America”, wrote Wjatscheslaw Wolodin, the chairman of the Duma, the lower house, on Monday on Telegram, Putin was “for Russia”. On the other hand, it is unclear who the top of the European countries are. “The support of the war in Ukraine” serves the European countries as a “union factor”. In accordance with this disregard, the plans of the British Prime Minister Keir Strander and French President Emmanuel Macron play no role for Ukraine: Trump's America is decisive for Moscow, and the American media reports on a possible from military aid for Kiev are currently particularly interesting.
Foreign politician Konstantin Kossatschow came across Telegram to say that one had to “learn the mistakes of the past” and “cannot accept a weak deal like Minsk that Russia can easily break”. Kossatschev wrote that Strander spoke in the name of Europe, but there was fewer than half of the EU members, but Canada. The statement by the Prime Minister is the “desperate attempt to spend the failure of a decades of politics, with which the United Kingdom and until recently the United States, to spend Ukraine against Russia, as a success, against the interest of Ukraine itself and this united in Europe”. Europe “has no plan” and Ukraine could only hope for “progress in Russian-American relations”. Now you are waiting for the EU special summit for Ukraine on Thursday, which will certainly be “more varied” than that in London, says Kossatschev.
Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orbán in particular is considered a guarantor in Moscow and is constantly quoted by the state media. Leonid Sluzkij, the chairman of the Duma Committee for International Affairs, doubted Telegram that “the Euroburocrats” had the “elementary resources” to support Ukraine because their countries are “in crisis”.
The statement by Commission President Ursula von der Leyen that the EU has to upgrade and help Ukraine to transform into a “steel steam pig” that is “undigestable for future invaders” like Russia, was “not even funny”, wrote Sluzkij. So far, the European elite has only succeeded in “forming a Rüpel face that believes in impunity that Selenskyj has also shown in the Oval Office in the whole splendor”. The London summit will “not save the chief of the Ukronaziists”, as the Russians call the Ukrainians, not saved, wrote Sluzkij.