Whe was interested in literature, in the written word, and could not ignore it. Hanne Kulessa, writer, journalist, moderator, hostess of a literary salon in Frankfurt’s Holzhausenschlösschen, was an integral part of the scene. Her knowledge, her love of literature and the word, her feeling for politics and everyday life, her dry sense of humor were also reflected in stories and commentaries in the FAZ, her voice was heard by many on the radio.
She studied German and sociology, trained as a bookseller, and has always written. Freelance author since 1982, known for her work at Hessischer Rundfunk, where she built bridges from the text to the readers – and back – until she retired. As a writer, she has cultivated the small and the large form, her first novel “The Great Black Nude” was published in 2008, as an editor she has made authors and many rediscoveries shine. After a serious illness, Hanne Kulessa, born on February 3, 1951 in Loxstedt near Bremerhaven, died on July 24 in her adopted home of Frankfurt.