Melissa Missy Fogarty is 32-year-old Entrepreneur from Buffalo, New York. Melissa, alongside with her husband Derek Fogarty, is the founder and CEO of Pothead Parent.
Pothead Parent was founded in 2021. The company was created due to the warm hearts of Melissa and her husband wanting to use plants to help people, treating it as medicine.
Melissa’s journey as a CEO and entrepreneur is remarkable, and is one that’s hard to forget. Fogarty believes that consistency is the key to anything in life, that you can be or do anything you want if you consistently work towards your goal. As a child Melissa was raised in athletics and sports, and she believes that sparked her drive to want to always win and/or be the best at what’s she’s aiming to achieve. Her father is her biggest inspiration, and will always be. Melissa has shared with us that he is still out there working two jobs and making other businesses thrive. “He is always consistently coming up with ideas and shooting shots at the walls to make something stick – that’s my inspiration and part of my why.” Melissa explains.
What you do and what you want for a living, is always a business opportunity. Melissa has failed and fallen, but in conclusion, after everything that she has done; all the projects, volunteer & trade work, being hired, quitting or fired, ghosted through so many jobs and business ventures.. this is what developed Melissa Missy Fogarty into the winning entrepreneur that she is today.
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