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Two parents who had spent years looking for a quality playpen that was transportable, light, and well-made founded the California Beach Co. Together with a leading producer of outdoor gear, they conducted a successful Kickstarter campaign in 2018 that raised over $395,000 in the first 30 days. The Pop N’ Go®, which is now accessible to everyone, is regarded as the best playpen in the entire globe. It is absolutely perfect for smaller spaces and easy traveling for babies and small pets. You can use The California Beach Co Coupon Code For an extra discount.
Benefits of Flexbeam:
It won’t topple over or collapse thanks to its hexagonal shape and safety lock.
You may relax knowing that your priceless children are safe in their enclosed playpen.
Each playpen is sent entirely constructed and prepared for usage. Hardware and tools are not required.
It is absolutely perfect for smaller spaces and easy traveling for babies and small pets.
For babies, toddlers, small children, and pets too, this is the most durable, compact, lightweight, and portable pop-up play yard ever created!
Everyone can easily set up and take down our patented “pop-up and down” release in seconds, and our pop-up playpen is safety certified.
The pop-n’ go with fiberglass framing and weave-mesh netting is built and reinforced with high-quality materials to ensure it lasts years.
The only 7×7 foot blanket and backpack in the world are soft and robust enough for indoor use. Weighted corners and a drawstring backpack are included with each California Voyager blanket in case of windy days.
Your cosiest go-to pillow, which will induce sleep when you unwind. It is portable and weighs only half a pound, rolling up into a quarter of its original size. It’s extremely soft for a time-out sleep on the sidelines and is made from real organic bamboo. The Voyager Travel Pillow is the ideal ally to aid in your exploring success!
The smallest, most portable little playpen you’ve ever seen is the Pop N’ Go® Pets playpen, which is also the lightest. It is ideal for compact spaces and makes traveling with infants and small animals simple.
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