Mediation is a common concept, but what exactly does it entail? What is UK Family Mediation Kent and how may it benefit you?
This post will address some of the queries you may have had about family mediation problems.
Mediation is a method for assisting parties to reach an agreement on contentious and emotionally charged issues. It does not always have to be about family concerns – agreements regarding when your children visit each parent after you’ve divorced, for example, or financial arrangements – but these are extremely tough talks to have, and mediation may be of tremendous assistance.
The mediator is totally neutral and objective. They are not on either of your respective “sides.” Their goal is on facilitating your dialogue and helping you to a mutually acceptable solution. The mediator will not make choices on your behalf or dictate what you must do.
It may be quite challenging to have these talks at the best of times, much alone when there are added pressures generated by the breakdown of a relationship. You cannot prevent a discussion with your ex from degenerating into a yelling battle, making it hard to discuss things rationally or reach an agreement.
Mediation may be of great assistance here. Our mediators for family conflict mediation are exceptional communicators and very competent at diffusing difficult situations and creating the circumstances for all parties to have their say in a peaceful, non-threatening context.
The mediation process begins with a private, one-on-one discussion between the mediator and each of you in which the mediator explains the procedure and inquires about your desired result. This gathering is known as the MIAM, or the Mediation and Information Assessment Meeting.
If both parties agree that they wish to attempt to reach an agreement via mediation, the next step will be mediation sessions, which will follow these meetings. Together with the two of you and the mediator, you will address the concerns. The mediator will assist you in keeping your conversations focused on the issues that need to be resolved – as quietly and politely as possible.
If you cannot be in the same room as your ex, we offer shuttle mediation as one of our family mediation services. You will not see your ex face-to-face; instead, the mediator will “shuttle” between you and relay messages. Once you have identified areas of agreement, it may be simpler to conclude the talk face-to-face, but the mediator would never push you into this scenario if it made you uncomfortable.

Perhaps not necessarily. Sometimes other individuals, such as grandparents or other extended family members, may be apprehensive about losing contact with the children after the parents’ divorce. When spouses are splitting, it may be very challenging for grandparents to conduct these kinds of discussions. In these situations, family mediation may be an excellent option for other family members to remain active with the children. https://nottingham.ukfamilymediationservice.co.uk/
Is it not simpler to go directly to court and let them decide?
The court should be the very last resort. Before resorting to the courts, you are expected to have made every attempt to address your difficulties on your own. You will not be allowed to file a lawsuit until you have first explored mediation or another kind of alternative dispute resolution.
Also, the legal procedure is lengthy and arduous, very stressful for all parties involved, and may wind up costing a great deal of money, particularly if you must hire attorneys to prepare and present your case in court. You must obey the court’s rulings and instructions, even if you disagree with them or do not like them. Mediation may help you reach an agreement considerably more quickly. At a fraction of the expense, you will be much more likely to accept the decision since you will have had a much larger role in determining it.
We charge £99 per individual for the MIAM meeting and £ 100 per individual per hour for mediation sessions. Typically, you may reach a mediated agreement in two or three sessions. In contrast, legal action may cost thousands of pounds and go on for months or even years.
If you receive certain kinds of assistance or have a modest income while working, you may be eligible for Legal Aid, which would cover the expenses of your mediation as well as your ex-MIAM spouses and initial mediation session.
When separating spouses must have painful talks regarding post-separation family arrangements, mediation may be of great assistance. We can help you discuss crucial matters, such as how you will retain touch with your children, without resorting to an argument or yelling match. We provide a family mediation service in the UK, and if it is more convenient, we may complete the whole procedure online.