Deutsche Bahn has a number of apps on offer, but DB Rad+ is relatively unknown among users. But you can use it to convert the kilometers you’ve cycled into rewards and save real money in the process.
What does Deutsche Bahn have to do with bicycles? More than you think, because the company wants to help make traveling to and from train stations more sustainable.
Among other things, the DB Rad+ app, which is available for Android and iOS, is intended to motivate people to do this. The idea: You let the app on your cell phone count how many kilometers you cover by bike. There are rewards for the distance travelled, which you can redeem with partners.
There are travel vouchers, free coffee or discounts on purchases. But you won’t get rich with the app, it offers rather small rewards. After all, Deutsche Bahn announced last year that users had already saved around 220 tons of CO2 with more than 1.6 million kilometers cycled in all action areas.
This is how the app works
It’s easy to use, you install the DB Rad+ app and use it to record your cycling kilometers. Registration is not necessary for this. However, paying by bike kilometers does not work throughout Germany.
You must use the app in one of the participating metropolitan areas. There are currently 14 cities, including Erlangen, Hamburg and Wiesbaden. Choose the city and start cycling. Kilometers you achieve outside of the areas are not counted.
You can convert the distance you have reached into prizes at partners such as cafés, farm shops or museums. You can find out exactly which partners these are for your region on the integrated map in the DB Rad+ app. It is now also possible to use the kilometers you have driven for online vouchers.
Anyone who has decided to be more active or to cycle to work again from spring can try out the app and get discounts at the same time. The app switches itself off after 10 minutes of inactivity and is frugal with your smartphone’s resources.