Dhe Ukrainian Deputy Prime Minister Iryna Vereshchuk has indirectly called on Ukrainians in Russian-occupied areas to flee in view of the impending Ukrainian offensive. “I advise Ukrainians in the temporarily occupied territories to either go to third countries or to prepare,” she wrote on Telegram without further details. “You know what to do, take care of yourself and your children.”
“Occupier officials still have some time to get out of there,” Vereshchuk continued. Some of them are already packing their things. “It would be nice if they took their collaborators with them.”
USA and France hope for China’s help
US President Joe Biden and his French counterpart Emmanuel Macron are hoping for China’s help to “speed up” efforts to end the war in Ukraine. A phone call between the presidents showed the “common will of France and the United States” to commit the Chinese to “accelerate the end of the war in Ukraine with us and build a lasting peace,” French diplomatic circles said on Wednesday.
The phone call was made a few hours before Macron left for a state visit to China. During the conversation, the US and French presidents also expressed a desire to “receive input from the Chinese in global efforts for North-South solidarity” and “build a common agenda with China on climate and biodiversity”.