Finding a parking space: With these tricks you know exactly where your car is parked
If you travel to foreign cities or park your car in a huge parking lot, you run the risk of not finding it again. But there are a few tricks you can use to save the exact location on your phone.
In large parking lots and in unfamiliar cities, it can happen that you forget the exact location of your car – especially if you have to rush to an appointment.
You can memorize the street name or even take a picture of it. But there is also a function in your mobile phone that makes it even easier for you to find your car again. You only need for this
Google Maps: Mark parking lot
The automatic saving of the parking space works unfortunately only on iOS . To do this, open Google Maps and tap on your profile in the top right corner to go to the settings. There you can activate the option “Save car park location” under “Navigation”.
A notice: You must select the “Always” option in the location settings for Google Maps so that the app can remember the parking space at all times. This happens automatically based on movement data or as soon as the Bluetooth connection to the car is disconnected.
This is how it works with Android
If you one Android phone then unfortunately you have to enter the parking lot manually on Google Maps. But even that is done quickly. Just tap the blue dot on the map that shows your location.
Then pull up the “My location” menu and tap the “Save parking space” button. You can easily start navigating there later. You only have to activate location sharing selectively.
Important: Since navigation apps can only save degrees of longitude and latitude, you still have to remember the parking deck in multi-storey car parks in order to find the right floor. So take a picture of it.
Alternative to Google
If you don’t want to keep telling Google where you are for privacy reasons, there are other options. A park plugin is available for download for the practical map app OsmAnd+ (download via CHIP), which we offer as a free full version.
With this you simply create a marker on your map and then you can easily navigate to it. Additionally, there’s a timed reminder if on-site parking is limited – so you’ll be back in time to drive away and not get a ticket.
Image: Kerrick/Getty Images
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