Car insurance is a legal requirement for drivers on British roads. But it’s a product that comes in many different forms. Selecting the right one is critical if you want to minimize your spending on premiums, and to ensure that you’re appropriately protected.
While you’re weighing the decision, you’ll want to ensure that you’re avoiding car insurance mistakes. Let’s take stock of a few of them.
Picking the wrong class of use
If you tell your insurer that you’re going to be using a car purely for leisure, and you end up using it for work, then you might find that your policy ends up invalidated. It’s easy to do this accidentally. For example, you might decide to moonlight as a delivery driver, in order to top up your income in exchange for a few hours of your time each week. This counts as business use, and it’s important that your insurer is apprised of the change.
Underestimating mileage
You won’t be expected to know in advance how many miles you’re going to drive in a given year. But if you go too far over your figure for your annual mileage, then you risk an invalidated policy.
You can usually get a good idea of your annual mileage by taking a look at your previous MOT certificates. Provided that your driving habits haven’t been changed (for example, by working from home), your past is a good indication of what your future holds. If in doubt, give yourself a bit of wriggle room by overstating your mileage.
Misstating your job title
Certain kinds of professionals, on average, end up doing a lot more driving than others. In cases where insurers are using your job title to guess how much risk you present, the wrong job title can actually lead to substantial changes in your premium.
While most drivers will remember to apprise their insurer of changes in their name or address, it’s easier for things like job titles to slip by. This goes especially if you’ve had a change of title without your duties in the workplace being massively affected. Err on the side of caution, and report every last detail.
Don’t forget the MOT
Just as your insurance is a legal requirement, so too is your annual MOT. If you’re breaking the law by driving without an MOT, then your insurer is going to be extremely hesitant to honor your policy. What’s more, you could face a lengthy ban from driving.
You’ll need to get your car checked out every year, provided that it’s older than three years. It’s a good idea to shop around and find a reliable local garage to do the testing.
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