How nice would it be to have your own house.
Image: picture alliance / Klaus Ohlenschläger
Owning a house – for many, that is a goal in life. Some are downright desperate when nothing comes of it. Psychologist Janina Larissa Bühler on the role of our own home in our self-image.
GBroken dreams, bleak prospects: 2022 was not a good year for many who want to own their own house. The rapidly increasing costs have forced some to give up building or postpone the purchase of a property. Frustration is already a widespread mood among city dwellers looking for a flat. What is on offer on the housing markets is often not what they want or can afford. Most recently, more than 80 percent of Germans rated the chance of improving their housing situation as bad. And they expect it to get even harder.
Janina Larissa Bühler is a psychologist and has done intensive research on the importance of life goals for our psyche. We wanted to know from her what role the dream home plays for us and what it means when hope dwindles to improve one’s own situation.