Da should someone say that autumn and winter are dull seasons! At the fashion reception of this newspaper in Berlin, none of this was to be seen. More than 350 guests came to celebrate in the atrium of the FAZ capital building.
Three of them in particular brought color into play: The models Charlotte Nolting, Nicola Woyczyk and Olga Pashchievska (from left) came directly from the Marc Cain show at Tempelhof Airport – in the colorful parts of the collection for autumn and winter, like them are typical of the brand from Bodelshausen.
It was a good fit because two anniversaries came together: Marc Cain is celebrating the 50th anniversary of the founding this year, and at the reception on Wednesday evening the tenth anniversary of the FAZ magazine was celebrated in advance, which was published in a new version for the first time in February 2013 shape appeared.
After a three-year Corona break, the invited designers, stylists, authors, models, actors, managers and entrepreneurs were finally able to celebrate a reunion, eat the magazine’s birthday cake and then have red and white wines explained to them by winemakers from the Association of German Prädikat Wineries (and then drink them too).
FAZ fashion reception
Happy Birthday, FAZ Magazine!
For the anniversary of the magazine, which is always included with the newspaper on the second Saturday of the month and also in special editions, the editors have selected “ten pictures from ten years” that have stuck in their memory. They have been marketed in a limited edition via the FAZ Selection online shop since Wednesday. At the reception, the ten motifs by ten different photographers were also presented in large format, as can be seen in our photo.
The gentleman in the background above is Tote Hosen singer Campino at a concert in Buenos Aires before jumping into the crowd. Photographer Daniel Pilar accompanied the band on their Argentina tour in 2017 for a large magazine report and pressed the shutter button at the best moment. Pilar also came on Wednesday evening – and was able to be pictured in front of his own work.