We’ve all been there — you wake up feeling like a dehydrated and nauseated sponge. Your head hurts, your throat feels scratchy, and the smallest amount of sunshine makes you hiss like a vampire. The only thing you know for certain, you had a memorable night.
Filename: Women-hangover
Alt-text: A woman with a hangover
Of course, the lucky ones wake up fresh as a daisy. If you get hangovers then you fall into one of two categories: you stay in bed waiting for nothing in particular, or you drag yourself upright, find some electrolytes, cook breakfast, and take a shower. Now we should all aspire to be the latter, and for those who’d really rather not, Sam Liquor Store is here with a glowing and delicious solution.
These liquor savants can help you knock your hangover out of the park by delivering a top-notch range of whiskey brands to your doorstep in a neat package. Haven’t you heard? A little hair of the dog is the best way to beat the dreaded day after. Then again, when you’re feeling down, neat doesn’t cut it. Make a cocktail to get the extra boost of a cucumber garnish.
Does It Work?
What the alcohol does is give you the energy and the will to cook a nice greasy breakfast, shower off the night, and regain some electrolytes. If you like staying in bed and waiting for the horrors to pass, this is the boost you need to get yourself vertical and moving. When the buzz wears off, you’ll return to sobriety with all your mental faculties having recovered.
Genius, right? Think of it like a parent telling a child, “you make a mess, you clean it up.” There’s no reason you can’t do the same to the boozy offender. Once your blood alcohol levels start falling, the hangover starts creeping in. According to some, the worst of it occurs when the levels hit zero, meaning that while you’re asleep, the hangover sets in, and you wake up to the worst of it.
Several studies even suggest moderate drinkers are even more susceptible than regular heavy drinkers. Spirits interact with the GABA receptors in the brain, meaning they’re able to place you in the eye of the storm so you can wait it out with none of the damage.
That’s The Spirit!
So what are some of the best drinks to return you safely to the land of the living? Enjoy your day as a mixologist and an apothecary as you concoct your tonics and pair them with lots of carbs and self-care for the best effect.
The Bloody Michelada
Meet bloody Mary’s sister:
- 2 ounces of chilled Clamato
- 1 bottle of your preferred chilled lager
- 2 ounces of fresh lime juice
- Half a teaspoon of Worcestershire sauce
- Half a teaspoon of hot sauce
- A couple of dashes of ramen seasoning
- Kosher salt
- Half a teaspoon of chili powder
- Lime wedges and ice to garnish
Blend salt and chili on a plate, then rub the rim of a beer mug with a lime wedge and press it upside down into the same plate. Now you’ve got a salt rim with a kick. Add in the ice, then pour the Clamato, sauces, lime juice, and ramen powder into the mug. Stir and garnish, before adding beer to taste.

Filename: Drink-in-glass
Alt-text: A bloody michelada drink in a glass
The Bubbly Defibrillator
Also known as the electric current fizz, let this egg-white winner shock you back to life:
- Juice from half a lemon
- 1 teaspoon of powdered sugar
- 1 shot of the good stuff (Hendrick’s Gin)
- 1 egg white (but keep the yolk)
Shake all of the above in a cocktail shaker over ice, then strain it into a highball glass before topping it with seltzer. Now, this part is optional but highly recommended: put the yolk in a shot glass and season it with Worcestershire sauce, a dash of Tabasco, salt, and pepper.
The Champagne-Killer
It’s all in the name, and a good amount of it is champagne.
- 1 shot of Cognac (go for Remy Martin)
- A shot and a half of orange juice
- A quarter shot of Grenadine syrup
- As much champagne as you like
- Orange zest because why not
Shake the first three on ice, and then strain them into a glass through a fine mesh sieve. Then top it up with as much champagne as you think you need. If you think you added too little, simply repeat from the top.

Filename: Glass-champagne
Alt-text: A glass of champagne
Get everything you need to be certifiably booze-proof and buzzed from Sam Liquor Store. You can get the widest range of famous quality tequila brands and the finest variety of vodka delivered home. Browse their rare and unique range for the most special occasions.
About The Author
Alma Simpson worked as a mixologist for six years before finishing nursing school. She is now a nurse practitioner who volunteers at a free service, and while she doesn’t recommend more alcohol than you can handle, an occasional hangover is understandable.