The amount of common questions that people have about DBS checks seems to be endless.
There are a lot of myths with regards to these Background checks.
What exactly is a background or DBS check?
A background check is a process that involves searching through an individual’s criminal record and finding out if that individual has any past or present convictions.
Any person that be a Potential employee, a current employee, a volunteers as well as people with certain other responsibilities can be subject to a background check.
Depending on the type or level of the check, they reveal any information about past or present conviction for which a person is serving. For a majority of the types of crimes, the background check would basically cover a period of 11years from the date of the check, there crimes which are even more serious in nature and also remain against a person’s name indefinitely but will always be revealed by an Enhanced DBS check.
Is a Background check really needed or mandatory?
It all depends on the job you are thinking of or applying for, In simpler terms, the answer is yes. An increasing number of employers every year seem to be more comfortable and prefer hiring people with clean DBS checks or a clean background
More specifically, any job or work that would involve direct contact with at risk adults, senior citizens/elderly, specially abled individuals as well as children will all mandatorily required a background check.
How will I know what level of a background check I would require?.
The type of check to be carried out is totally dependent on the Job and the type of job role that you will be looking to take up.
Any job roles that have lesser levels of responsibility and having no interaction with any of the High risk or vulnerable groups of people, These are the types of jobs that usually a Basic DBS check would be recommended
For roles that have more responsibility, such as handling finances, or where there’s limited or supervised contact with vulnerable groups than an Enhanced Background check would be the way to go. At certain times an enhanced DBS check with barred list would be advised, as this checks your name against the list of people who have committed a major or severe crime and have been placed on a barred list nad banned from working with these certain groups of people.
How do I know when I need to renew my check or perform a new DBS check?
Once the time has arrived for t=a renewal of your Background check the company that you are employed with would be the one to notify you.
Can I be failed on a Background check?
There is no such thing as pass or fail on a DBS Check. If there is any information that pertains to your criminal record if you have one will be revealed by the DBS certificate. If you are hired for the job or not is dependent on the person employing you.
Is a Background check absolutely necessary or mandatory?
It all majorly depends on the type of work carried out by you and if you will come into contact with anybody from the vulnerable group. If you’re a night janitor who works alone and doesn’t come into contact with people from the vulnerable group in your day-to-day work then in this case you will not be needing a DBS check. If you are a Maintenance worker and you get hired to do some maintenance work in a school or a hospital while children or elderly or sick are present, you will most likely need a background check. The institution where you will be doing the work would perform a Standard or Enhanced DBS check on your behalf.
What is the cost of the Basic and the Enhanced DBS check?
You will be charged depending on the type or level of check that will be applied for.
If the job being applied for would need a background check then the employer will foot the payment for the check.
What are the ways that a background check can be applied for?
There are a couple of ways that you can apply for a check and they are by post or online.
As it would seem, applying online is the better way to go as it is faster and easier to get done. The auto checker on the online portal makes it almost impossible to make any mistakes on the application.
How long does a check take to complete?
If done by post, it can take up to two weeks, however on an average it takes almost a month.
Online it takes a maximum of 24 hours and a minimum of 12 hours.