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dust 2 can be said to be one of the most popular maps in csgo and an ideal map for some new players, dust 2 is a shorter map, but it has a lot of specific callouts, knowing all the callouts can be useful in fighting Because accurate communication with teammates is very important, the following brings you csgo dust 2 map callouts full callout. To learn more about csgo callouts dust 2, you can visit gametopn.com .
1. What is csgo dust 2 map labeling?
csgo dust 2 map labels can be used to describe the location of yourself or the enemy on the map, so it is very useful information for your teammates, players need to remember all the basic labels as soon as possible. When players spot an enemy or die, they can point out where it all happened, so your team knows where to look in time, and here are all the labels on the dust 2 map.
2. Complete description of csgo dust 2
A Short : Connect the mid and A bombsite, the spawn point for Counter Strike .
A Plat : A broad platform between A Bombsite and A Short.
A Default : A default plant point at the edge of the raised platform.
A Car : is a car near A Long, hidden here can observe A Short and A Long.
A Cross : An open area separating A Long from A Site, exposed to CT Spawn and Short.
A Long : Connects Long Doors and Pit to a narrow corridor area at A Bombsite.
B Doors : A door to the B Site entrance from CT Mid.
B Window : A window on the brick wall of the B site, leading to the CT Mid, you can use the boxes below to get to the B Window.
B Car : A car on the B site, to the right of the tunnel exit, this callout can be used when there is an enemy directly behind the car.
B Default : Close to BD oo rs , suitable for placing bombs.
B Back Site : The area behind all boxes above point B, adjacent to B Plat, on the backside of B bomb site.
Big Box : A huge box covered with a tarp on the B Site , similar to an Xbox.
B Plat : The B Plat can be seen directly opposite the entrance to the upper tunnel, which is also an elevated area of the B bomb site.
Back Plat : Back Plat is the back end of B Plat. It is different from B Plat. Generally, this label is used when the player cannot see the back of B Plat at the bomb site.
Double Stack : Two boxes overlapped in the middle of the B bomb point.
Short Stairs : A set of short stairs from the Catwalk to A Short.
Ninja : A hidden hole behind a stack of chests in A Short.
Goose : A goose graffiti on the wall in the enclosed section behind A Site and Barrels.
Barrels : A group of oil barrels behind A Site, near the mesh fence.
Ramp : A ramp up from A Cross to A Bombsite.
Elevator : One side of the CT Spawn, a corner of the A Site Platform, from which CT can quickly reach the bomb site.
Short Boost : The trash can outside the CT Spawn on the A side, CT jumps on the trash can to reach A Short.
Fence : A wall at B site, a hidden hideout for counter-strikes, where terrorists can be ambushed when they leave the tunnel.
Closet : The Closet is the corner next to the B Car, to the right of the tunnel or to the left of the B Doors.
Close/Dog : The left corner when terrorists leave Tunnel B and enter Site B is Close, where counter-strikes can ambush them.
CT Spawn: Located below A Short, it is the spawn point of CT .
CT Mid: Includes the development area between B-Site, Mid, and CT Spawn .
Scaffolding: The construction area opposite the B window of the CT mid , which can be used for cover and climbing
Close Mid Doors: A corner to the right of Mid Doors .
Mid: The middle area of the map, the area from Mid Doors to Top Mid, connecting T Spawn and CT Mid.
Mid Doors: A door between Mid and CT Mid.
Xbox: A box near the door in the Mid, through which you can enter Catwalk and A Short.
Cat Walk: Walkway on the Mid side leading to A Short and A Bombsite.
Pole /Palm : A telephone mast at the top of the middle near the Catwalk, which used to be a palm tree, so it is also called the Palm.
Right Mid: Look up from the Mid Doors to the right middle indented area of the T spawn.
Top Mid: Look up at the top of T Spawn’s Mid from Mid Doors, connecting Suicide, Mid, and Outside Mid.
Upper Tunnels: Terrorists turn left here as they move through the tunnels to Site B.
Tunnel Stairs: Stairs connecting Upper Tunnels and Lower Tunnels.
Lower Tunnels: Terrorists need to go through these tunnels to get to the middle.
Long Corner: A corner of a building near Long Doors.
Blue: A giant blue shipping crate opposite A Long Doors.

The above is csgo dust 2 map callouts full callout, by marking players, the efficiency and success rate of the game can be improved. For more csgo callouts dust 2 related strategies, please visit gametopn.com , they will update the most complete content as soon as possible to help you Learn about the game, come check it out!
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