Dhe steep section in the forest lies behind us, the view now glides over gentle meadow hills, on which individual striking trees stand – the Allgäu, as romantics know and love it. Time seems to have stood still in other respects too: instead of rolled bitumen mass, the cycle path consists of a firmly pressed mixture of gravel and earth, from which tufts of grass grow here and there.
Comfort cyclists who are used to comfort should have little joy in such “bumpy passages”. The standard for tourist cycle paths today is a smooth runway at least three meters wide, which is why you don’t have to come up with anything special in regions that are trying to get the seal of approval from the General German Bicycle Club (ADFC). If the route is properly signposted, all you really need is a continuous asphalt surface and you can advertise with four or even five stars – no matter how attractive or unattractive the route may otherwise be.