IOver the next seven weeks, the citizens of Frankfurt can do themselves and their city a service. They can prove to their despondent local politicians, who again seem to be losing courage and confidence in the face of the voting out of the mayor, that they are still interested in what is happening in their city.
It is important to show those in Romans who cannot imagine that enough votes will be cast on November 6th that they are wrong. On that day, a vote will not yet be taken on a new mayor. Nor is it about a new policy for Frankfurt. It’s not a local election. You can’t directly influence what the station district looks like or how the city organizes traffic. Or is it possible?
How about the Frankfurters showing the politicians that they know how to take part in a postal vote. That they still know where their polling station is, even if they haven’t been there in a long time – because they want to be seen and heard. Because, in the middle of a legislative period of the city parliament, they want to set an example with an impressive vote-out of the incumbent mayor that more vigilant politics is being carried out. That they don’t let officials get away with putting their personal interests ahead of the interests of the city they are supposed to represent. When they adorn themselves with foreign feathers, even if they don’t always have the shape of a European cup.
The quorum required for voting out
If only they don’t resign despite previous, candid statements because they themselves believe above all in the indolence and disinterest of the citizens. Because they are certain that the required quorum will not be established. Because just because of this shameful vanity of the incumbent, the city has to spend 1.6 million euros, which could have been spent cleaning up the city center, for example, which is too dirty in many places.
The citizens only have one chance to turn the large amount of money for this ballot into a sensible investment for their Frankfurt: if they actually go to the polls or use the postal vote for it. The documents for this will soon be in the letter box: It’s best not to put them away in the first place, but act directly. By the way, anyone who is still interested in Peter Feldmann (SPD) should also be happy to say so. It is crucial that in the end it is clear that the citizens have noticed what they should have noticed. That they didn’t let themselves be lulled into it. So off to the elections.