Anyone who keeps a household book can raise awareness of their consumption and discover opportunities to save.
Image: Jonas Kalmbach
If you want to reduce your expenses, you need an overview of costs and income. Then the rest is easy. Digital household books can help with this.
WIf you want to save in these times, you first have to know what you are actually spending your money on. Everyone knows this roughly, but the small amounts in particular can add up quite a bit by the end of the month. Here a coffee to go or a roll from the bakery, there parked in the parking garage or bought a subway ticket, bought a perfume in the drugstore or went to the cinema: Especially if you pay a lot with cash, you can’t end up being able to understand more where it went. But savings potential can only be discovered with a good overview.
Anyone who pays by card has at least recorded their expenses on their account statement. But they are not yet summed up and sorted according to categories such as groceries, gifts, restaurant visits or travel. But this is helpful if you want to save. The best way to do this is in a budget. There are three ways to do this: traditionally on paper, on the computer using spreadsheet programs such as Excel, Numbers from Apple or special household book programs such as Starmoney, Alf-Banco or Moneyplex. Or on the phone using apps.