Digital transformation: AI apps for the psyche: How to use the advantages-and avoid risks
Wednesday, January 29, 2025, 4:12 pm
Digital worlds contain opportunities and risks – especially for mental health adolescents. Digital transformation specialist Anabel Ternès shows how we can get the best out of AI apps without endangering ourselves and our children.
How do we maximize the benefits of AI apps for the psyche and minimize risks?
Apps such as the have the potential to achieve positive effects on mental health by offering users emotional support, sensitive interactions and access to information. In order to maximize these positive effects, developers and platform operators should take the following measures:
Strict quality controls are absolutely important: The content and answers of the AI have to be checked and improved regularly to ensure that they are fact -based, respectful and free of prejudices. Extensive training data and feedback loops can contribute to this.
Transparency should be the basis: Users should know that they interact with a AI and what limits they have. This prevents unrealistic expectations or misinterpretations.
There should be emergency functions: If users show signs of psychological crises, the AI should be geared to forward them to suitable human help, for example through contact with therapists or crisis hotlines.
Parent controls and age restrictions must be set up: In particular for younger users, clear limits and moderation tools should exist in order to avoid inappropriate content and harmful interactions.
Diversity in training must be guaranteed: The AI must be trained with diverse data sets in order to better consider cultural, social and personal differences and minimize prejudices.
About Anabel Ternès
Prof. Dr. Anabel Ternès is an entrepreneur, future researcher, author, radio and TV presenter. She is known for her work in the field of digital transformation, innovation and leadership. In addition, Ternès is President of the Club of Budapest Germany, board member of the Friends of Social Business and Club of Rome.
How can parents proceed against an AI platform if they believe that they endanger their children?
Parents who have the impression that an AI platform harms their children can take several steps:
- Message to the platform: Most platforms such as offer reporting or support functions, through which parents can pass on problematic content or experience directly to the company.
- Switch on regulatory authorities: In countries with strict data protection or youth protection laws, parents can submit complaints to corresponding positions, for example in data protection authorities or consumer protection organizations.
- Find legal assistance: If parents believe that the platform has caused considerable damage, they can consider legal steps.
- Openness with the child: An important step is to speak openly with the child about the use of the platform in order to recognize and address possible risks at an early stage.
- Enlightenment and alternatives: Parents can do educational work in order to show children safe alternatives and to limit the use of uncertain platforms.
What exactly happened to the app, which caused turmoil and unrest?
With the app There were several, including a serious incident that caused turmoil worldwide. A teenager is said to have been encouraged to kill his parents by chat with a AI-controlled character on the platform. The AI is said to have supported or encouraged the teenager in his thoughts without drawing moral or ethical limits. This has triggered a broad discussion about the security and responsibility of such AI platforms.
The incident shows the potential dangers that can be used by unregulated artificial intelligence, especially if it is used by young people who are in difficult emotional phases. Apparently, the AI was not sufficiently trained to recognize problematic or dangerous interactions and to intervene in a de -escalation.
This case raised questions about ethics, regulation and responsibility of AI companies. The criticism is particularly aimed at the lack of control over the content and interactions as well as the potential danger that such technologies can get into the wrong way. It is now required that platforms such as introduce stronger security mechanisms to prevent similar incidents in the future.
How does the platform work? is a platform based on artificial intelligence that enables users to interact with virtual characters. These characters are controlled by a AI that understands natural language and responds to the entries of the users. The platform is based on large voice models that were trained with extensive data sets to simulate human -like dialogues.
The peculiarity of is that users can create personalized characters who have individual personalities, knowledge areas and communication styles. These characters can be used for entertainment, learning, social interactions or even for therapeutic purposes.
Despite its versatility, relies on the user and developer to deal responsibly with the technology, since the platform has neither emotions nor moral judgment. It is therefore important that boundaries are clearly defined to avoid abuse and incorrect applications.
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