OThmar Hermann sits in his armchair, enjoys life and has an eye on the treasures in the two living rooms – the books about Eintracht in particular and football in general behind him, with the folders with stadium booklets all around them, the plaques, the decorations , the skat games, the autograph cards, the pins, the original jersey of right winger Richard Kress, around 1800 admission tickets, countless photos, in the showcase also around 30 teddy bears with Eintracht scarves or sewn-on club logos.
And we’re not talking about the other 320 teddies upstairs in the house that he has accumulated beyond his football enthusiasm, nor about the 600 Leitz folders with game reports in the basement. That’s right: 600 folders that have documented almost completely since 1945 what line-up Eintracht used when and with what result. Just normal madness.