After Shapella, the next big Ethereum (ETH) updates will be Cancun and Deneb, which are set to introduce EIP-4844 Proto-Danksharding by the end of the year. So what is all this? We come back to the explanation of each of these terms and how they work.
Cancun and Deneb: the next big steps for Ethereum
Cancun and Deneb will be the next big updates to the Ethereum (ETH) blockchainin order to introduce Danksharding to the network.
First of all, Cancun refers directly to the Mexican city of Cancún, which hosted the 3rd edition of Devcon. This is the name given to upgrade for runtime software for the upcoming hard fork. On his side, Deneb will focus on the consensus layer. The name is a tribute to the brightest star in the Cygnus constellation, easily recognizable in summer in the northern hemisphere.
These two updates are also grouped under the contraction “Dencun”, and their specificities are detailed in the Ethereum Improvement Proposals number 4844 (EIP-4844).
The heart of this hard fork is Danksharding implementation on Ethereum in the prior form of Proto-Danksharding, an innovation which should, among other things, allow a significant reduction in costs on layers 2, with an ambition to bring this ecosystem to a capacity of more than 100,000 transactions per second at a lower cost.
👉 To go further — What is sharding, this Ethereum scaling solution?
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What is Proto Danksharding?
Proto-Danksharding is a sharding technology designed for the EIP-4844 by researchers Dankrad Feist and Diederik Loerakker (@protolambda). The final version of Danksharding will take many more years to fully complete, but the Dencun update will kick off this new era, however.
This solution focuses on Ethereum layers 2or rather in the way they update their state on layer 1. Indeed, take Arbitrum, Optimism or ZkSync for example, all these networks send information to Ethereum at regular intervals to maintain their security.
However, their smart contracts consume resources, take up space, and this data is currently stored indefinitely on Ethereum. However, Proto-Danksarding starts from the premise that it is not necessary to store these different states indefinitely, and that 1 to 3 months of history on layer 1 would be enough to guarantee that layers 2 respect the consensus.
To achieve this, EIP-4844 introduces the concept of “data blobs”which would then be periodically removed, where the current model may overload nodes in the long run:
“Instead, data is automatically deleted from the node every 1-3 months. Consensual customer attestations demonstrate that there were sufficient opportunities for the provers to verify the data. Actual data may be stored off-chain by rollup operators, users, or others. »
Current estimates are based on commissioning of the EIP-4844 by this fall. At this very moment, several works are underway on the Ethereum devnets, and it is therefore still too early to give a precise date. By taking some leeway, we could thus expect a horizon of early 2024.
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