Skilled speaker: Barack Obama, former President of the USA, also practices before a performance.
Image: dpa
Not only actors, but also managers and entrepreneurs are often in front of the camera. You don’t have to be a natural to do this.
Dhe hands, it’s always about the hands. They’re almost impossible to get a hold of. Intertwined, clenched in fists, playing with each other, hidden in your pocket – they don’t look good in any position. Gesturing too much makes everyone nervous, turning the wrong way can put them off.
Even Tim Höttges, the media professional among Germany’s top managers, sometimes looks for a good place for his hands during his public appearances and likes to put one in the other. In addition, the CEO of Deutsche Telekom does quite a lot right when he stands on a big stage or in front of a camera. The jury of the Federal Association of Media Trainers has just confirmed this again, which, after a first edition last year, also looked at the most watched video of the 40 German Dax board members for 2022 and evaluated their appearance. Höttges did best, this time receiving 267 out of a possible 300 points.