FOCUS deal with Revolut: Strong account for vacation: Revolut offers more than just a free credit card
Thursday, 07/28/2022, 18:53
With Revolut and the associated Visa or MasterCard, you can use the app to pay, withdraw money and transfer money worldwide free of charge. If you now open a free account with Revolut, you will receive the premium benefits with various insurances and a starting bonus of 15 euros for a month. The increased bonus is only available until August 8th. Here you can find out what the former “bank scare” has to offer.
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Revolut: Open a free account with a credit card and secure a bonus
Luckily, the times when banking transactions involved a lot of paperwork are long gone: today, transfers and debits are conveniently done online. The same applies to purchases and orders made around the clock thanks to a credit cardMake it happen in a matter of seconds. Here comes the first big one Advantage of Revolut revealed: While numerous banks are now charging fees, that is Revolut account including the associated (debit) credit card – depending on the location either Visa or MasterCard – free of charge and with no strings attached like a regular receipt of money.
The opening takes place within a few minutes via the smartphone app for iOS or Android, which is then used to manage the entire account. Photographing the front and back of your ID card and a selfie are sufficient for verification. New customers currently benefit from our Partner deal: If you now a Open an account with Revolut and make your first transaction, there is one Credit of 15 euros. By the way, you don’t have to wait for the (physical) credit card, you can use the virtual credit card in the app start shopping straight away.
As a further bonus, Revolut gives you the benefits of the normally paid subscription for a period of one month Premium Account – These include, among other things, higher fee-free cash withdrawals of up to 400 instead of 200 euros per month (card payments are free with Revolut worldwide, even outside the euro zone), unlimited currency exchange and international health insurance.
If you don’t want to continue the premium subscription after the trial period, you can simply click the plan in the app free standard account downgrade – or continue to enjoy all the extras for 7.99 euros per month. An upgrade to Revolution Metal with an exclusive metal credit card and extended insurance benefits for EUR 13.99 per month is also possible at any time.
This is what our financial expert Fabian Prahl says:
Feel free to try out the features with this deal (but remember the cancellation period) and then decide if you want to continue using the premium account after the promotion ends. Revolut offers deposit protection via a Lithuanian and therefore European banking license. Advantage of the Revolut current account: It works on a prepaid basis. Only the amount that you have paid in is also available – an overdraft facility is therefore neither possible nor necessary. With many useful functions and the junior accounts for the offspring, the account package is really rich.
Your Revolut account with free credit card – all information:
Current and currency account with free debit credit card
Get a 15 euro starting bonus and 1 month of Revolut Premium now
Account opening in a few minutes entirely via smartphone
easy to use banking app with payment notifications
clear presentation of monthly expenses
Support of Apple Pay and Google Pay
worldwide free cash withdrawals up to 200 euros per month (400 euros with Revolut Premium)
worldwide fee-free credit card payments and transactions
free transfers to over 30 currencies at interbank exchange rates
Set up standing orders with just a few taps
free currency exchange from Monday to Friday (max. EUR 1,000 per month, unlimited from Revolut Premium)
With the “Stay” function, you book trips, pay for them either immediately or on site and receive up to 7.5 percent cashback (in premium mode)
European deposit insurance for deposits of up to 100,000 euros
Revolut: Pay toll-free worldwide and much more
Probably the biggest advantage of Revolut lies in the non-existent foreign transaction and foreign currency fees – other banks often ask for a lot of cash here, which could cause a rude awakening, especially after the holiday. Frequent travelers and online shoppers who regularly order from abroad are well advised to go with Revolut. The account can be easily topped up by (SEPA) transfer or using an app with an additional credit card. This is particularly lucrative, for example, for “Miles & More‘ users, as this allows them to earn unlimited miles even while paying rent and bills.
parents have with Revolution Junior also the possibility to create a kind of sub-account for your child, to which an individual amount of money can be assigned – ideal for pocket money and to teach the offspring how to handle money. The child can even get one if they wish own credit card in a colorful design, which of course cannot be covered. In the app you retain full control over all expenses.
By the way, you don’t have to worry about a negative Schufa entry with Revolut: the account is opened without a corresponding query or credit check. Since the British FinTech has had a banking license in Lithuania owns and thus the European Union deposit insurance takes effect (keyword Brexit), fears of financial loss are also unfounded up to a credit balance of 100,000 euros.
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