Food intolerance is one of the main causes for health problems of any kind. Finding the cure to food intolerance and food allergies means treating the cause. We may sneeze or itch after eating certain foods, we may have an increase in phlegm in our throat or stomach pain, gas, bloating. Many of us have reactions to foods and think that simply removing the food(s) from our diet is the answer. The cure, however, can be found by asking WHY we have these food reactions. In a short answer for revealing the secret, you can avoid food intolerance by using the best foods for gut health and digestion.
We MUST begin with how we digest and assimilate our food, in order to have a healthy body. A healthy gastrointestinal lining would not allow these undigested particles into the bloodstream. The cause must be in the barrier function of our gastrointestinal lining. The question then becomes what are we doing or not doing that is causing the lining to be compromised? One of the main causes could be food intolerances. Here is a list of possible causes.
Consuming Foods Intolerances Chronic use of NSAIDS (aspirin, ibuprofen) Steroids (prednisone, cortisone, etc) Antibiotic use Chemotherapy – (methotrexate) Alcohol use | Stress Low anti-oxidants Poor diet Surgery/Trauma Recent gastroenteritis Aging |
What is the difference between food allergies and food intolerances?
Then when undigested particles get inside the body due to weakened gastrointestinal lining, food “allergy” or “reaction” occurs. Allergy involves an IgG, or IgE immune reaction. This reaction is a symptom of a deeper pathology.
What is a food intolerance?
Each individual is unique in how well we digest our food. Some simply do not have the enzymes to digest certain foods. Celiac’s Disease or Lactose intolerance is the classic example. It is a huge misnomer that these people are the only ones with food intolerances. Everyone has some degree of food intolerance. Food intolerance leads to improper digestion which leads to food particles that putrefy in the GI tract and cause toxicity and inflammation. When people stop eating these foods or food combinations, they feel better!
What happens when I eat foods I cannot digest (food intolerance)?
These partially digested materials are deemed foreign to the blood and an immune response ensues. They can also interfere with normal functioning of the body and they can lead to chronic disease.
Symptoms of food intolerance?
Often patients report multiple symptoms such as headaches, constipation, diarrhea, migraines, irritable bowel syndrome, aches and pains, weight issues, depression, insomnia, asthma, anxiety, ADHD, chronic fatigue syndrome, arthritis, eczema, PMS.
The body may or may not “react” immediately to these foods when eaten. Reactions can vary from sneezing, coughing, mild itching, to less noticeable chronic reactions that can lead to a variety of health issues. Regardless, these partially digested materials weigh heavily on our immune system, leave toxic residue in our gastrointestinal tract that causes dis-ease in the body.
How can I find out my food intolerances?
Food intolerance can be determined by a simple blood test. This method of testing identifies foods which are not well digested or metabolized in a particular body. These foods are a source of maldigestion, intestinal toxemia, dysbiosis, and chronic irritation to body tissues.
What are common food intolerance test results?
Most people tested intolerant to one of the following foods or food categories: milk, soy, egg, meat, sugar, fruit, and potato. In addition, most people have a problem with one or more combinations of food, similarly not well tolerated. The most common food combinations are these: grain and potato, grain with milk, grain with fruit, grain with sugar, and fruit with sugar. Food intolerance is not limited to these categories, but most commonly a person will fall into one of these. Occasionally we need to look to other possibilities, such as soy, nuts, fish, etc.
How to get rid of food intolerance naturally?
There are a number of medicines available right now to support your stomach to get rid of food intolerance. One of the safest and the best way to avoid food intolerance is to use the best probiotic for gut health.
Probiotics: Choosing and Buying Guidelines
Probiotics are live microorganisms that are taken in either supplement form or other forms. Probiotic products are known to contain adequate amounts of these microorganisms giving health benefits to its hosts.
Probiotics are deemed to be of good help in digesting the foods that you eat. However, the benefits of taking probiotic supplements are not only confined in aiding digestion it also has other benefits such as getting the right nutrients from the food you eat, better bowel functions and decreases possibilities of GI upsets. Probiotic supplements are also great in maintaining one’s youthfulness and may you live longer.
Choosing the Right Probiotic Supplement
Since probiotics are proven to be of great benefit to your health, many manufacturers take advantage of its usability giving us consumers lots of Probiotic products to choose from. To help you determine which probiotic product is better, here are some helpful guidelines:
- Powdered Probiotics and probiotic capsules are better than liquid forms. Although liquid forms of probiotic is helpful it won’t be as effective as those stated above and won’t last longer.
- Always read the label. Look for a product that states the number of organisms in a single dose. For probiotics to be effective there should be one billion organisms in a single gram. If the number of organisms is lesser than that amount, it won’t make any benefit on your body.
- Opt for a multi-strain probiotic. The reason for this is that different strains can be effective for various health benefits at a time.