After his arrest in France, Telegram founder Pavel Durov must now face questions from an investigating judge. The interrogation could be followed by an investigation.
Telegram founder Pavel Durov appears before the investigating judge after his arrest in France. The judge had Durov brought to court for questioning, the German Press Agency learned from the Paris public prosecutor's office.
Durow has to answer numerous allegations
After the interrogation, an investigation could be launched against Durov. Such a procedure could ultimately lead to a criminal trial if the investigators see sufficient evidence against the accused. Otherwise, they can also discontinue the proceedings.
According to the public prosecutor's office, preliminary investigations against Durow have been underway for some time. The suspicion is that he is complicit in drug trafficking, money laundering, fraud and several offenses related to child abuse due to his lack of intervention at Telegram and inadequate cooperation with authorities.
He is also accused of a lack of cooperation with authorities in legally permissible wiretapping measures.
Telegram is said to have failed to consistently pursue illegal activities
The Franco-Russian was therefore wanted by the authorities. On Saturday evening, Durov was arrested at an airport near Paris.
Telegram defended itself against the allegations. The company said that all applicable rules were being followed. Durow “has nothing to hide.” Furthermore, it was “absurd” to hold a platform or its owner responsible for the misuse of the service by third parties.
Telegram has long been accused of not taking consistent enough action against hate speech and other illegal activities. The company itself emphasizes that it is within “industry standards.”