Women have carried handbags for centuries to carry their essentials throughout the day. While there are many types of bags for women, and they get compliments for carrying a beautiful bag, the same hasn’t been the case for men. Man bags are very popular nowadays, but a few decades ago, men carrying bags was a topic of debate. People were not welcoming of man-bag leather, but things have changed for the better.
Fortunately, now men also get great collections of handbags that they can carry their essentials in. In this day and age, it is important for men to have something to carry their laptops and other essentials. Fashion brands and TV shows also played a huge part in normalising men carrying handbags. With so many advancements in the fashion world, the normalisation of Leather bag for men will always be our favourite and with that being said, here’s a list of bags for men that will have your entire week sorted from work to weekend.
Leather Messenger Bag
A leather messenger bag is the simplest design to come in leather bags for men. These are unique but simple, which makes them a perfect partner for work. A leather messenger bag for men can be used to carry a laptop, charger, notebook, and other small essentials. They have pockets to keep all their belongings separated from one another. It comes with a detachable shoulder strap that allows you to carry it however you want.
You can also choose to carry it in your hand, and it will look just as chic. They come in different colours and are considered a safe option if you don’t want to experiment with your fashion. This type of leather bag can be carried to work and dinner parties as it has a slight semi-formal appearance. It looks best with casual suits, and even jeans and T-shirts will look great with them if you wear them as a cross-body bag.
Leather Briefcase
We have all seen cool and sophisticated men carrying briefcases to their work in the movies. This helped in creating the image that only men in suits carry briefcases. Leather briefcases have been a popular choice among men for work bags, and they are considered formal bags that are perfect for business meetings. Having a leather briefcase that is essential to work gives you a sophisticated and rich appearance. They have a simple design with a buckle locking your bag from the front. They also have multiple pockets to keep the belongings in separate compartments. If you want something more formal than a leather messenger bag for men, a leather briefcase should be your pick.
Leather Backpack
Backpacks are mostly used by university and school students. They have a casual vibe and look perfect with T-shirts and jeans. However, nowadays, people also carry leather backpacks to work. Fashion is continuously changing, and backpacks on suits are another trend that looks stylish. Leather backpacks are comfortable to carry as you can carry them on both your shoulders. The weight is evenly divided, and it’s not difficult to move around freely throughout your day. You can also carry leather backpacks to a party afterwards, as the casualness doesn’t make you look out of place.
Leather Laptop Sleeve
Carrying a big leather bag might not be the best choice for you if you want to simply carry a laptop to work. A leather messenger bag or a briefcase has more space, and they also take more space which can be a hassle for some people. If you are one of them, a leather laptop sleeve might be the right choice for you. It comes with a small handle that you can use to carry it in your hand. It has enough space to carry your laptop and the charger. It’s minimalistic and petite, which makes it easier to handle throughout the day. You don’t have to plan your outfits with a leather laptop sleeve because it looks good with casual and formal attire. You can also easily commute with this leather bag type as you can conveniently place it on your lap, and it won’t take up much space.
Leather Holdall
Are you tired of working throughout the week and planning a short trip over the weekend? We have a leather bag to assist you in your journey.
We all deserve a much-needed break, and a weekend away from home can sometimes make all the difference. However, the hassle of packing and unpacking is something we don’t want to experience, and a good travel bag is required to make the process easier. Leather holdalls are the perfect travel companions. They are spacious but not big enough that you overpack things that will become a headache. They are also easy to carry as they are lightweight, so that you can carry them around easily.
Leather holdalls are also very stylish and give you a casual yet expensive look. We have all seen celebrities carrying chic leather bags to the airport, and leather holdall gives you the desired airport look. They are fashionable and make travelling easy. You can choose any outfit to wear, and a leather holdall will make it look amazing.
The above-mentioned leather bags are the most popular types that make everyday life more convenient for leather buyers. You can choose the bag according to your needs for the week. Having multiple leather handbags is unnecessary, but having the ones you need will make your life much easier. You can find magnificent designs of these leather bags at Obi Pelle UK.
You can check out their catalogue and also customise your own leather bags and accessories if you don’t like anything from the existing designs. Their designers are professionals who have years of experience. The artisans put their hearts into creating amazing designs for leather lovers. If you have ideas about your leather accessories, share them with their team, and they will make sure your dream leather goods come to life.