There is a sophisticated liffehack. If you use it with your own bank card, you can better protect yourself from being stolen.
There is a suitable liffehack for every life situation. If you pay a lot with cash and therefore often use the bank card to withdraw money, you should consider the following PIN trick, for example.
Bank card: You protect yourself with loss
There are various methods about which criminals try to get to your PIN number. Among other things, this includes Shoulder surfing when withdrawing cash. But even if someone steals your card without knowing the associated secret code, you are not sure. The lifehack can help here.
Glue a sticker with a false PIN on your bank card. In this way you irritate potential thiefs at best so much that it is entered the incorrect number three times and your card is drawn in at the machine. Then you have some bureaucratic effort, but your money is at least certain.
Useful tips for bank card and PIN
In order to protect yourself, banks and experts regularly advise you on several precautionary measures. They appear naturally, but criminals can still spy on you more easily if you don't pay attention to it or do not follow them.
Always pay attention to your pin:
- Use a complex and unique number combination that is not easy to guess, such as no birth data or repeating numbers.
- Share your PIN with no one, not even with tight family members or acquaintances.
- Avoid writing the PIN on the smartphone or in a notebook. If you have to write it down, keep the note in a safe place.
- Change your PIN regularly to minimize potential abuse.
- Cover the keyboard when you enter the PIN of machines to prevent it from being spied on by observers or hidden cameras.
By Dana Neumann