PThe police and public prosecutor’s office in Dresden continue to investigate the exact circumstances of Saturday’s hostage-taking in downtown Dresden, the investigative authorities announced on Monday. In particular, the sequence of events of the day in which a 40-year-old man allegedly killed his 62-year-old mother in the morning and then took two hostages in a downtown shopping center is being reconstructed.
The investigators examined indications that the man in the city center is said to have threatened other passers-by. In addition, it must be clarified how the probably mentally ill perpetrator, who according to media reports is said to have seen himself being pursued by Satanists, came into possession of the pistol. According to police, he illegally possessed the gun. With her, he had apparently first killed his mother, who, according to coroners, died of a shot in the head.
It is also being investigated whether the perpetrator was killed in an exchange of fire with the police when the hostages were freed or whether he directed himself. What is certain is that he was fined six years ago for assault and has remained unpunished ever since. However, he is said to have triggered a police operation two months ago and then been admitted to a psychiatric ward. It is still unclear what relationship the man had to the nine-year-old child who survived the kidnapping unharmed.