Maybe you’re tired of paying expensive insurance rates or perhaps you’ve bought a new car, either way, it’s time to start searching for better rates and more coverage. In fact, consumer advocate groups suggest you shop around for insurance quotes every year to make sure you’re not paying more than you should. With that in mind, you may be wondering how many quotes you should actually get before deciding on a new company.
One is the Loneliest Number
If you’re going with one quote, it’s probable that you are cheating yourself. While it’s possible you accidentally hit upon the cheapest, best insurance quote in town, it’s not very likely. In fact, leaders in the insurance field state that consumers who only garner one quote are most likely paying more than they should. Experts suggest that you obtain at least three quotes before selecting final coverage. There is no magical number that you have to do, but by having at least three companies bid on your business, you will have a better idea of what the market has for drivers such as yourself. Learn more at
Prices and Discounts Vary Greatly
Stats show that the price for apples-to-apples coverage range by hundreds of dollars, and consumers who only muster one quote are likely to pay a higher monthly premium and lose out on discounts that comparers will likely obtain. It definitely pays to shop around. Additionally, what one insurance company may charge a higher premium on (think DUIs or speeding tickets) may not be subject to the same charge by other insurance companies. With over 50 insurance companies in the US, competition is high for the best rates.
The Process
In years gone by, shopping for insurance quotes was a hassle, to say the least. One had to call up the insurance in question, answer a plethora of questions and hold while your quote was generated. Today, however, it’s really quite simple. Websites can provide multiple quotes with the user only entering the information one time. While yes, you can still thumb through the Yellow Pages and call up individual companies, it’s just not necessary unless that’s how you prefer to do it. The main thing to be certain of is that the companies you’re comparing are all offering the same type of policy.
As you prepare to purchase new insurance and receive quotes, have the following information on hand before either calling or jumping on the computer
- Driver’s License Number
- Home address (not a PO BOX)
- Approximate mileage to and from work
- Vehicle ID Number (VIN)
- Make/model/year of car
- Current Insurance Company
Cheap is Good, right?
Lowball insurance costs are not the prize winner when shopping for insurance. It’s important to look at the price and what it covers as well. Don’t fall for a bottom-of-the-barrel policy that offers nothing more than collision coverage required by law. Should a collision result in costly repairs to your car or another’s, the insurance may not protect you. What good are cost-cutting measures if your vehicle isn’t covered appropriately?
The purpose of insurance is to provide you with financial assistance when you need it most: when filing a claim. So, make certain the company has a good reputation and a history of paying claims. Shop around for price and coverage to ensure you get the best insurance.
Interesting Related Article: “Can You Still Get Car Insurance After a DUI Violation?“