We understand that relocating can be stressful, but we’re here to ensure it doesn’t have to be. As a result, we worked with our expert Removalists in Melbourne to establish this comprehensive house-moving checklist.
Regarding dependable and caring moving companies, they are the real deal, and you can always count on them. We know all the tricks of the trade when it comes to relocating but being ready to relocate is the most important.
Take a cup of coffee (or your preferred beverage) and prepare to tackle your move like a pro. Let’s get started right away with the help of our simple moving checklist.
Request pricing information.
Okay, let’s get down to business. Before getting too excited, it’s a good idea to get a moving estimate. Our cost estimators will give you an accurate assessment of the expenses and benefits of using our services.
There is nothing to hide, only honesty and truth. You can use our online calculator to get an estimate without calling us.
Determining what should not get packed
Let’s face it: we’ve all outgrown some of our possessions. Use this time to pack as effectively as possible and to prepare for your move.
Gather the items you wish to sell, donate, or give as gifts immediately. We guarantee that the less you have to transfer, the easier and less expensive your move will be.
Packing Tip
Oh, the dreadful packing process! But don’t worry; we’ve got some terrific tips to make things easier. Begin by packing the more precious objects, such as your fine crockery or that hideous sweater your aunt got you for Christmas three years ago.
You should thoroughly clean everything before packing it in cartons. When unpacking, you will expend less effort and time.
Packing Boxes for Moving
Please do not send the cardboard or tape back. Because we live in the future, Professional Removalists have created their range of plastic moving crates with lids—to sort items into stacks and boxes. We’ll deliver them right to your door and collect them when you’re done.
You can pack more efficiently with our reusable eco-friendly moving boxes, which are also good for the environment.
To Do: Plan for the Next 30 Days
Let’s get organized because moving involves a lot of planning. Make a list of everyone you must notify of your address change at least one month in advance.
Universities, banking institutions, credit card firms, power corporations, etc. Online address change or notification could be an option.
Plan ahead of time, at least two to three weeks.
The big day is almost approaching, as you predicted. Consuming everything in your refrigerator and freezer two to three weeks before moving day would be best. Carrying an excessive amount of anything puts your ice cream at risk of melting in the car.
Pack your identification documents, medical and dental records, and any other documentation your new abode requires.
Next, plan a week ahead of time.
The clock has started to tick! A week before the big move is the time to double-check that everything has been noticed. Before leaving your former residence, double-check that the gas, electricity, water, phone, and internet have all been disconnected.
You do not want to get forced to pay for a home you no longer live in. Remember to have any donated things collected by your designated charity. Finally, sharing is caring.
Delivery Date
The big day is approaching swiftly, and everyone’s excitement is high. You can help by doing a few things, but professional Removalists in Melbourne will handle the heavy lifting.
Always keep a kit with a flashlight, food, toilet paper, and phone chargers. Make sure to mark it “Open First” to find its contents amid the chaos readily.
Even though Movee will move your belongings, there are a few essentials you should maintain on hand. Examples include money, jewelry, technological devices, keys, and sanity.
So relax, put on some energetic music, and get ready to dance! The relocation service aims to make the procedure easy, efficient, and fun. Best wishes on your new adventure, and may your home be full of love, laughter, and precious memories