You would expect that consumers would value posting their comments more, considering how much they lean on ratings, but on the whole, they don’t. Consumers check the reviews in 92% of cases, but only 6% submit them.
To get your brand endorsed, established, and recognized in a competitive industry, you should give the power of consumer ratings much consideration. Stay updated with trends to step ahead of your rivals like you can do it on LaWeekly if you wish to enhance your eCommerce revenues.
You can’t satisfy everyone, so keep in mind that occasionally unfavorable reviews will appear. The good news is that you may readily counteract them by accumulating more. Here are some suggestions for getting product reviews to boost sales.
Utilize Post-Purchase Emails to Nudge Customers to Leave Reviews
Asking consumers to post reviews is the first and maybe most obvious strategy to increase the number of reviews for your items.
They are also the most inclined to write positively if they have an excellent encounter. Unfortunately, contacting every consumer individually is not the most effective strategy for getting critical reviews. It is especially true considering that just 45% of buyers claim to offer feedback for their orders, according to the study we discussed earlier.
Find a method for gathering consumers’ email addresses at the moment of sale. You don’t want to wait too long before you solicit evaluations, whether they are in person or online. That explains why post-purchase communications are so effective for so many businesses. You may email customers asking for feedback once enough time has elapsed since their first order, detailing the exact things you purchased.
Make it Simple for Clients to Provide Reviews
Additionally important is making your review area user-friendly and well-designed. Although it might seem obvious, many eCommerce shops provide terrible customer experiences.
Make sure your app experience for customer reviews is faultless because a sizable percentage of evaluations are getting written on mobile devices.
Offer a Discount on the Thank-You Page in Return for a Review
You may nudge consumers to submit a product review once they finish their orders and reach the thank-you page. Customers often don’t miss this procedure to ensure their order has been accepted. As a result, the thank-you page is a fantastic location to utilize review inquiries.
Customers can be hesitant to leave a review if they haven’t even used the item yet, but you can entice them by giving them a reason to do so soon. Please provide a direct URL that clients may bookmark or give in the email confirming their order so they can post a review later.
Make Sure to Seek Out Contented Clients and Politely Request Reviews
Asking for a rating after each customer service contact is a mistake you and your staff could make. Only 15% of the ratings are consequently favorable. Given that you only started sending their feedback emails on Mondays, you wouldn’t know if the consumers you addressed had recently interacted with the product.
The number of favorable reviews may have increased just after you automated sending comment inquiry emails to consumers who were pleased with the response to your service request. The takeaway from this is that focusing on happy customers generates more favorable ratings.
Make it Simple to Compare Several Purchases at Once
Making it simple for consumers to post reviews is the key to increasing the number of reviews for your items. Please include all of your client’s most recent purchases in emails to them so they may evaluate them all at once. Including numerous things dramatically boosts the overall gathered material on your site, whether contacting clients from your registry or utilizing a ratings and evaluation platform.
Time is the Most Important Factor
Finally, even if you succeed in getting more favorable evaluations, one aspect shouldn’t escape your attention – Time. Your consumer may be reluctant to offer you a critique or may not be prepared for it since they haven’t yet seen their goods if you request for one too soon, right after the transaction.
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