Standby mode is not the best way to save power. It's definitely worth unplugging completely. What many people don't know, however, is that the type of electrical appliance is crucial. Some people have problems when their energy supply is cut off.
However, not all electrical devices can tolerate being completely unplugged. This could be due to various things. Sometimes it is due to how they function, sometimes due to how they are programmed. In any case, the reasons for this are clear.
Inkjet printer
When it comes to electricity, inkjet printers are initially of little importance. It is not necessary to withdraw power from the electrical device at this point. However, there is an actual problem that arises when the printer is not turned off using the power button, but rather unplugged.
When switched on, it is ready to print and the print head is not in idle state. If the plug is then pulled, it stops in the process without shutting down, as would be the case with a regular switch off.
This is similar to a reset. This means that the inkjet printer restarts completely and assumes that the print head has not been used for a long time. So it is cleaned and uses a large amount of ink.
Modern TV sets such as OLED televisions are disturbed when the plug is unplugged. This is due to the fact that the pixels are automatically updated in the background. Regular disconnection from the network would improperly interrupt this process and could lead to damage or impairment of the image quality.
It is best to find out from the manufacturer in advance whether you can switch off the electrical device using the power button or whether it is permitted to completely disconnect the power supply.
WiFi router
Having access to the Internet at all times is the advantage of constantly active FritzBoxes, Speedport devices, etc. It may be worthwhile to turn off the WLAN router at night. But only if no other important devices are connected to it.
If you use your landline phone, answering machine and/or smart home electrical appliances, you should not unplug the router. These are then not available or even cause problems when the device is powered again.
Whether you pull the plug or press the switch to deactivate it makes a difference. At least for your wallet. Because: Many electrical devices continue to consume electricity even when they are switched off.
These include, for example, televisions, radios, LCD monitors or cordless telephones. Their red LEDs show very clearly that energy is still flowing after they have been turned off. This is referred to as a “phantom charge”.
If you want to save electricity and money, it's worth unplugging instead of just switching off the electrical appliances. However, the order is important. To avoid damage, you should always use the switch first and then the plug.
The original for this article “Everyone has them at home – you should never unplug three devices” comes from
The original for this article “If you have three devices in your home, you shouldn’t unplug” comes from