The Since 1960, the polling station in Dixville Notch has opened at midnight on election day. Since there are only six registered voters in the ski resort near the Canadian border, voting and counting are carried out quickly. The result was already clear shortly after midnight. US television channels broadcast the vote and counting live. In the 2020 election, US President Joe Biden won here without a dissenting vote against Trump.
The fact that voting is allowed so early is thanks to a law in New Hampshire. It allows Municipalities with fewer than 100 inhabitants are required to open their polling stations at midnight, both in the primary elections and later in the presidential election. Historical background: This was intended to enable railway workers to go to sleep after voting and then get to work on time.
The results from the small towns did not always reflect who ultimately became president. CNN commentators took the tie as a sign of how close the race is between Harris and Trump.