Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) accuses the CDU chairman Friedrich Merz with his To violate plans for a stricter migration policy. “If the opposition leader now suggests that the German Federal Chancellor should do things that are not compatible with the constitution of this country and with the European contracts, then that says something about his ability to practice a high position in Germany,” said Scholz in one SPD election campaign event in Saarbrücken.
On the other hand, the CDU/CSU parliamentary manager Thorsten Frei referred to the Basic Law article 16a, As a result, you cannot claim asylum if you enter an EU country. Court judgments would also not conflict with Merz's proposal.
Scholz, on the other hand, said: “The constitution always has to be our top guideline.” He emphasized: “Where should that lead? What should civil servants, police officers do who get an instruction that is not compatible with the right and law? “