Participation in the Bundestag election on February 23, 2025 is also possible by postal vote if you cannot or do not want to go to the polling station on the election day. According to a notification, as the federal election manager says, the application for postal voting should be made as soon as possible so that the necessary documents arrive in good time. Due to the deadline for an early election specified by the Basic Law, the Postal voting documents usually from the voting offices to the respective postal service providers by February 10, 2025 be handed over and reach the voters within a few days.
If you want to submit your vote by postal voting in the upcoming federal election, you must submit an application to the municipal authority of your main residence personally or in writing. The application can also be made by email or fax, but not by phone. Numerous municipalities offer an online application, usually also via a QR code on the election notification.
If you personally submit your application to the election office, you can receive the postal voting documents immediately and also submit your vote directly to the election office.
The election letters must have been received at the latest on the election day, February 23, 2025, at 6 p.m. at the responsible position edged on the election letter. According to the Federal Election Act, the voters themselves are responsible for this. Delayed election letters cannot be taken into account when counting the votes. Deutsche Post ensures that election letters, the one by Thursday at the latest, February 20, 2025thrown in before the last emptying of the respective mailbox or submitted in a post office, reach the area printed on the election letter in good time.