Federal Economics Minister Robert Habeck (Greens) indirectly accuses SPD Chancellor Olaf Scholz (SPD) of blocking potentially life-saving aid to Ukraine. The ARD program “Maischberger” was about, among other things three billion euros for possible additional aid for Ukrainewhich the parties are currently fighting over in the federal election campaign – even within the still red-green government coalition. The Union, FDP and Greens want to finance additional arms deliveries to Ukraine through an unscheduled budget expenditure before the election on February 23rd.
Habeck countered this: “Or you can say: It doesn’t matter, we have to help. From my point of view – now in the immediate need – then we help, and then we solve the problem afterwards.” If the Greens were given the appropriate mandate in the election to solve the matter in this way, “that would be my answer”.
Habeck explained the situation like this: “Ukraine would soon stop ordering, so the flow of support would stop, and there are systems that can protect lives that they could order now.” The three billion euros in question would now be a gap Habeck admitted. But: “The cabinet would have to decide on an over-plan expenditure of three billion euros – that can be done.”
The Green candidate attested to the chancellor's attempt to transfer the campaign style of his CDU predecessor Angela Merkel to 2025. Merkel was accused of a kind of Teflon style: it was said at the time that she was maneuvering through the election campaign without a clear target and, in case of doubt, without a clear position.