The Green Party's leading candidate for the federal election, Robert Habeck, has criticized the CSU's conclusions from the failure of the recent coalition talks in Austria. “The recipe against the right is certainly not to bark and run after the right, and I see that especially with the CSU,” said Habeck in the ZDF “Morgenmagazin”. CSU leader Markus Söder would be making a serious mistake if he believed that the country would be easier to govern by adopting the positions of the right. “The verbal heroism that we hear from Bavaria, from the CSU, is precisely against the background of the fact that in Austria it was not possible for a coalition to be formed from conservatives, i.e. equivalently the Union and Social Democrats, and a liberal party – the The Greens weren't there at all – “Really almost forgotten about history.” Söder did not understand that there is always more that unites the democratic center than the enemies of democracy.