When moving, it’s a piece of cake to lose or break something. The moving period is stressful enough, and our brains make mistakes then. Honest mistakes, but they can mount up to costly ones. When all that hustle is around you even the simplest of actions can prove complicated. Have I taped every box? Did I pack everything? Where is the cat, and why is that box jumping? To prevent these simple mistakes, you can use our simple guide to help you out.
1. Checklists
It may sound like a cliche but making a checklist and checking “Make a checklist” gets you on the right track. While making a checklist you will realise just how many items you need to move and will discover whole new steps you previously missed. View your checklist as a mental crutch, a safety rope you can always cling on to and really, once the moving process is well underway. The best part is that you can re-use your checklist once you pack everything up. Just reverse order it when you arrive at your new home and backtrack thru the items.
2. Embrace minimalism
Decluttering your inventory is easiest when you are moving. Found some item you forgot you even had that’s covered in inch-thick dust? Chances are you don’t need it anymore and can live without it. Realistically assessing your needs compared to your inventory of possessions can make you realise just how much stuff you have been hoarding all this time. Decluttering can easily be done by recycling, giving unneeded items away to charity, garage sales or gifting them to your friends and relatives. Out of sight, out of mind is the new logo when moving.
3. Hire pros
With so much to do and balance, one person can find their plate overstuffed and leaking over. The option to call upon favours is always there when you rummage thru your phonebook, but we suggest having a plan B. When all those friends and relatives are moving around, there is a risk of property or personal damage. To avoid stress and relax during this transition period, googling about reliable and efficient removalists from Sydney makes the whole endeavour run butter-smooth. Outsourcing your moving task to more experienced people lets you focus on the more important things. Like your new living room layout or the colour of your new bedroom.
4. Clean-up duty
Remember that most apartment leases require you to leave them in the same condition you found them, that is to say, spotless. Cleaning up goes both ways. You can clean every item you have before storing them with a simple dry microfiber cloth, and you need to clean up you’re, now empty, old apartment before leaving. We advise doing your laundry before you leave so that all of your clothes are nice and fresh when you unpack. No one wants to work after moving, so the more cleaning up you do before the move, the more future you will thank.
5. Informing everyone
This item is especially important if you’ve been living in one place for too long. People get accustomed to your address and location, so any change you make seems sudden to them. Your moving process becomes something mundane and regular, but your new address should be shared in advance with all the people you care about. The same goes for any physical magazine subscriptions and other services that deliver to your doorstep. No need for future tenants to receive your mail.
6. Moving supplies
What’s essential for every move is to not skimp on the necessary items. Duct tape, wrapping paper, bubble wrap, stuffing paper, quality boxes, markers, labels and protective foil. The bare necessities of every move that saves and protects your belonging. Any dime you try and save on them can be very costly in property damage, so go with anything medium grade, and your moving process is on the right track to success.
Approaching your future move with a can-do attitude changes your whole perspective from the get-go! Moving does not have to be stressful, complicated or back-breaking. It’s a great opportunity for you to start anew! Going thru your checklist, item by item will reveal that you only have one thing left to check. And that is relaxing in your new apartment and toasting to a job well done. We wish you all the best.