Nearly half of the people across the globe suffer from high blood pressure. Among them, a lot of them are not even aware of having this issue. That is why every year, there is a tremendous increase in the number.
Therefore, being aware of the disease and its risk factor is highly essential. It is because it includes some physical traits and lifestyle choices, which can be managed and maintained appropriately if known beforehand.
Delve deeper into the blog to learn about it and the negative effects you will incur if you do not control high blood pressure.
What Is High Blood Pressure?
High Blood Pressure, also known as Hypertension, is a condition in which the long-term force of your blood against your artery walls is high. It leads to health problems like heart diseases.
Your blood pressure can be determined by the amount of blood pumped by your heart and the amount of resistance to blood flow in your arteries. When the heart pumps more blood, your arteries become narrower, leading to higher blood pressure.
Negative Effects Of Uncontrolled High Blood Pressure
If you do not manage or maintain high blood pressure, you might experience the following negative effects:
Increased Risk Of Heart Attack And Stroke
High Blood Pressure causes excessive strain because of which the coronary arteries are damaged. It further makes them contract or narrowed down due to the build-up of cholesterol or fat. Because of this, the natural flow of the blood to the heart decreases, which causes an increase in pressure. If you facing high blood pressure always avoid medicines Like Cenforce 100 , which also increase blood flow in your body.
Sometimes, in the most extreme conditions, muscles will also absorb oxygen, which will lead to a heart attack. Similarly, it also increases the chances of stroke because brain vessels the brain is blocked due to clogs or bursts.
Develops Vision Problem And Vision Loss
High Blood Pressure not only affects your heart but also damages the vessels supplying vessels blood to the retina in your eyes. If damages happen, you might experience bleeding from the eyes, blurred vision, or complete loss of vision. It can also damage the nerve that affects the eyes. In short, people suffering from blood pressure and diabetes have higher chances of developing vision problems.
Lead To Heart Failure
Heart Failure occurs when the heart fails to pump blood and oxygen to support other organs in the body. Nearly half of the people having heart failure tend to die within five years of diagnosis. Patients having heart failure are also found to have high blood pressure or hypertension.
Increases Risk Of Kidney Disease Or Failure
High Blood pressure also causes damage to the arteries that move to the kidney. It affects their ability to filter blood appropriately. It is considered the second leading cause of kidney failure.
Risk Of Peripheral Artery Disease (PAD)
Hypertension is the leading cause of atherosclerosis, which means narrowed or blocked arteries of crucial parts of the body. It causes leads to both coronary and peripheral artery disease. Areas that are affected by this disease are the legs, stomach, arms, and head. People suffering from this condition experience cramps, pain, or fatigue in the legs or hip muscles, especially while they walk or climb stairs. If left untreated, it can lead to gangrene and amputation.
Causes Sexual Dysfunction
Blood pressure means the force of blood flowing through your blood vessels. Having high blood pressure can potentially affect all areas of the body, including your reproductive organs. Damaged nerves cause sexual dysfunction, like erectile dysfunction in men. Then doctor will advice to take Cenforce medicine ocassionaly to treat this kind of problem.
Causes Chest Pain
Hypertension leads to chest pain, known as angina. It usually occurs when the heart fails to acquire the amount of blood required. Therefore, when you perform activities such as walking uphills, going up steps, or exercising, you experience pressure, squeezing, pain, or a feeling of fullness in the chest.
Higher Risk Of Hypertensive Crisis
A hypertensive crisis is a medical emergency in which the blood pressure rises above 180/120 instantly. It leads to damage to the organs and other potentially life-threatening complications. In this condition, you might feel blurry vision, dizziness, lightheadedness, severe headaches, nose bleed, shortness of breath, chest discomfort and pain, and anxiety.
Hence, it is very crucial to maintain your blood pressure to avoid such problems.
Interesting Related Article: “What Are the Modifiable Risk Factors of High Blood Pressure?“