Are you worried about how much electricity you need to charge your iPhone because of the high electricity prices? We can reassure you: for the fact that our mobile phones play such a big role in everyday life, charging is surprisingly cheap. The devices are extremely efficient.
The cost of a charge depends on three factors – the price of electricity, the size of the battery and the charging efficiency. According to Ökotest, this is 80 percent.
In order to get one watt hour (Wh) into a mobile phone, around 1.25 Wh have to flow out of the socket. At 40 cents per kWh of electricity, completely filling the battery of an iPhone 14 with its 12.68 Wh costs only 0.63 cents.
That’s how much it costs a year to charge your iPhone every day
Even with even larger batteries, 1 cent per complete charge is hardly exceeded. Even if you charge your smartphone every day, you pay less than five euros a year for it. At least when it comes to power consumption, the cell phone is a cheap pleasure.