The 10 GB tariff is unbeaten – but not in every network
The Crash tariffs are currently still cheap, but there are definitely one or the other provider who undercuts the Crash price for the all-net flat tariff with 10 GB, but not in the Telekom network! For those who can do without the advantages of the Telekom network, there are even lower prices in our tariff comparison, for example the Blau Allnet XL tariff in the O2 network for 7.99 euros or the allmobil Flat L from Logitel in the Vodafone network for also 7.99 euros per month. In the Telekom network, however, the crash tariff with 10 GB cannot be topped by other providers.
You should also keep an eye on the minimum contract period. In the first two years, only 9.99 euros (10 GB), 12.99 euros (15 GB) and 14.99 euros (25 GB) are due. From the 25th month, however, the cost trap threatens, since the monthly basic fee practically doubles.
By the way: The maximum surfing speed of 25 Mbit/s in the 10 GB tariff or 50 Mbit/s in the other two tariffs always refers to the download. When uploading, i.e. when uploading or sending files, the maximum transfer rates are 10 Mbit/s (10 GB tariff) or 25 Mbit/s (25 GB tariff). If you don’t send 8K videos to your friends every day, you should still be fine with it. In any case, the speed is easily sufficient for music and video streaming, as long as your smartphone has LTE reception.