Former ARD chairwoman and RBB director Patricia Schlesinger in April 2022 in Berlin
Image: dpa
Dubious consulting contracts and expensive company cars: First Patricia Schlesinger had to vacate her post as ARD and RBB boss. Now she, her husband and the head of the board of directors, Wolf-Dieter Wolf, are being investigated.
DThe allegations that led to the resignation of RBB director Patricia Schlesinger are now also taking on a criminal dimension. As reported by the Berlin “Tagesspiegel”, the Berlin public prosecutor’s office has initiated investigations against Schlesinger – on suspicion of infidelity and acceptance of advantages.
Schlesinger’s husband, the former “Spiegel” journalist Gerhard Spörl, and the former RBB administrative board chief Wolf-Dieter Wolf are also being investigated. After the first revelations about consultant contracts awarded under questionable circumstances, compliance violations and expensive company cars, the public prosecutor’s office initially did not intervene. Now the investigators see an initial suspicion.
Patricia Schlesinger has just resigned from her posts as ARD chairwoman and RBB director. She announced that she would make it her mission to help clarify the allegations. The directors of the ARD welcomed the decision to give up the chair. WDR director Tom Buhrow will take over the current business at short notice until the turn of the year.