Rent films: great streaming campaign for Amazon Prime customers: blockbusters for just 99 cents
Friday, 7/7/2023, 5:40 p.m
For Prime Day, Amazon Prime customers can rent many blockbusters for only 99 cents per film. We explain what you need to look out for and why the offer is attractive even if you don’t have time to look.
The one with one
commission – at no extra cost to you! More info
Amazon presents at
The action is just running to Sunday 9 July 2023.
Prime Video – Here’s how
If a film has been rented, it is available to you for 30 days available to stream. If you have already planned your weekend, you can still benefit from the promotional price and simply watch the film on another day. As soon as the film has started, it can be streamed within 48 hours – on all modern end devices, i.e. Android and iOS cell phones, smart TVs and current consoles.
Not a Prime customer yet?
You still have time. Find out about the Prime Days, take out a trial subscription and start benefiting today and especially on July 11th and 12th of the top deals. We show how to do it.

Attention bargain hunters:
This year’s takes place in mid-July