A British national overseas (BN) is a British citizen who resides in a country outside of the United Kingdom. This designation is often abbreviated BN and has many associations with former British colonies, including Hong Kong. Below are the requirements for BNO Visa status. The requirements for BN(O) status vary by country. In general, however, BN(O) holders must have a degree from an accredited university in the UK.
Hong Kong (British Nationality) Order 1986
The Hong Kong (British Nationality). Order 1986 came into effect on 1st July 1987. It gives citizens of British Dependent Territories the right to become a British National (Overseas). But in order to be eligible to apply, a person must have been born on or after the 1st July 1997. The British nationality (OB) status grants the individual the right to hold the appropriate passport.
The order gives BNOs the right to obtain British nationality and a passport. It also grants them the right to acquiesce in the sovereignty of the United Kingdom. Those who have a connection to Hong Kong can apply for British nationality and be naturalised as British Nationals (Overseas) within three months. Those who are British citizens and hold a passport will be eligible to apply for this status.
British Nationality (Overseas) status was created in 1985. The Hong Kong (British Nationality) Order 1986 gave this status to BDTCs, who were British citizens before the territory was handed over to China. This status gives BN(O)s the right to obtain a passport issued by the British government, but it does not grant automatic rights to work or live in the UK.
Hong Kong Act 1985
The term British national overseas under the Hong Kong Act 1985 refers to a category of citizenship that is associated with the former British colony of Hong Kong. This status allows people to hold a British passport and receive consular assistance and protection from UK diplomatic posts abroad. This status does not give individuals automatic right to live or work in the UK. Therefore, individuals who intend to live and work abroad should make sure that they are eligible for British national status before applying for a passport.
The British government has long considered granting the Hong Kong residents the right of abode before handing over the territory. However, because of the colonial legacy, people in Hong Kong were previously excluded from the process of obtaining UK citizenship. The British government was concerned that an influx of over three million British citizens would be too much to absorb. This policy has since been rolled back. But, the British government is still hopeful that a future Hong Kong will offer better prospects for those wishing to immigrate to the country.
The Hong Kong Act 1985 introduced a new class of British nationality by Immigration Solicitors London for the British National (Overseas). This status is non-inheritable, lifelong, and applies only to those citizens of the British Dependent Territories. It was further incorporated into Section 4 (1) and became enforceable on the 1st of July 1987. The qualification period was five years, counting from the day of application. However, time spent as a diplomat or armed forces visitor is not normally included in the qualifying period.
Requirements for BN(O) status
If you’re an EU citizen, you may be able to obtain Requirements for British national overseas status (BN(O)). Firstly, you must demonstrate financial stability in the UK. Secondly, you must meet a certain age requirement to qualify. You can apply for BN(O) if you’re below the age of eighteen. There are several different categories of BN(O) status.
The new visa plan is welcomed by Hong Kong Watch, which is calling for everyone in Hong Kong to have an “insurance policy” against deterioration of their rights. However, some Parliamentarians are concerned about young pro-democracy activists without BN(O) status or their parents who are unwilling to relocate to the UK. However, it is unclear whether the new policy will extend to BN(O) citizens of other countries, which currently have six-month residency rights in the UK.
BN(O) citizens are allowed to apply for settlement (permanent residence) after five years. In order to apply for settlement, adults must have met the English language proficiency requirement and have lived in the UK for at least 180 days in a rolling 12-month period. They must also be a BN(O) citizen, dependent of a British national, and parent of a child under eighteen.