BUndessantroller Olaf Scholz (SPD) wants to campaign for a tax-free one-off payment from companies to their employees instead of wage increases. Scholz wanted to propose this on July 4th at the concerted action with employers and unions, reported the “Bild am Sonntag” with reference to government circles. According to this, a wage-price spiral and a further increase in inflation should be prevented.
According to “BamS”, the Chancellery assumes that the current inflation is being driven primarily by a supply bottleneck, both in the energy sector and in other products. Another argument in favor of a one-off payment instead of wage increases is that they reach the employees quickly and low-income earners benefit the most.
One problem, however, is that more than half of the employees are not paid according to the collective agreement. The “BamS” reported that additional measures are also needed for pensioners, which are still being worked on.
During the concerted action in the Chancellery, the government wants to consult with employers and trade unions on coordinated action to combat the high prices. The historical model for the initiative dates back to the 1960s. At that time, trade unions had promised to hold back on wage demands, in return the state supported the economy.