SSince 2020, schoolgirls in Baden-Württemberg are no longer allowed to wear a full veil in class. Now, for the first time, a conflict has arisen between a student and the school management at a vocational high school in Rastatt, Baden. A Muslim student had come to sewing class wearing a niqab and a long-sleeved robe. The first thing that struck the teacher was that the accident regulations had been violated: to ensure that the students do not injure themselves while working on the sewing machines and their clothes do not get caught in the machines, wearing clothes with long, wide sleeves prohibited. “The teacher then asked the student to take off the long-sleeved clothes. At the same time, it was the first day on which the student, who was about to graduate from school, came to class with a full veil,” says a spokeswoman for the Karlsruhe regional council.
After the student defied the teacher’s instructions in class, there were several discussions with the school administration. The student recorded the first conversation unnoticed with her smartphone and later uploaded it to the Internet platform “Tiktok”. “I don’t see any tolerance for me and my cover here,” the “Badische Latest News” (BNN) quoted the girl from the video as saying. She wears the niqab voluntarily and is not forced to do so by anyone. The headmistress informed her about the legal regulations and threatened her with being expelled from class.