Pregnant Brandy Bottone in her car in Plano, Texas.
Image: AP
A pregnant Texan woman has been fined again for driving in a lane for cars with at least one passenger. She argues: According to abortion laws, her unborn child is a passenger.
DTexan Brandy Bottone has received her second speeding ticket in her protest against the repeal of nationwide abortion laws in the United States. Police again stopped the pregnant 32-year-old a few weeks ago while she was traveling in a relief lane in Dallas reserved for cars with at least one passenger. As with Bottone’s first stop in late June, she warned officers not to be alone in the car, as they claimed. Her unborn child is a separate person under Texas abortion laws, which went into effect two months ago after the Washington Supreme Court’s decision ending statewide abortion rights.
The officials refrained from a debate with Bottone and issued a speeding ticket without further ado. “I don’t get an answer as to whether my reasoning is correct or not,” she later complained to the Dallas Morning News. At least she will be spared further warnings. As Bottone now announced on Instagram, she has now given birth to a daughter. “My passenger has arrived!” she alluded to the skirmishes over the relief lane.