A stroke unit, a specialized stroke ward, is the first point of care after a stroke. However, follow-up treatment after the acute phase is also important.
Image: dpa
Almost 300,000 Germans suffer a stroke every year. Every fifth of them at least for the second time. This is how you can prevent another stroke.
Nfter the birth of their son Jason, Nadine Czarnetzki and her husband Oliver could not have been happier. The little one was born in November 2016, an absolute dream child. “Jason was perfectly healthy and the birth went without complications,” says the saleswoman from Hamm.
Shortly before Christmas, Nadine Czarnetzki wanted to get up in the morning, but couldn’t get up. “My right leg was suddenly numb, as if it had fallen asleep,” says the 33-year-old. “In addition, my right arm was just hanging down, I couldn’t lift it anymore.” When she turned to her husband, he looked at her in surprise and said: “The right corner of your mouth is kind of crooked.” Those are the last words that she still remembers. After that, she lost consciousness and only woke up again in the hospital. “It was horrible,” she says. “I had no more feeling in the right side of my body.”